Audit Committee:
Audit Committee is a committee that is authorized for healthy fulfillment of tasks and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and all of members of which consist of Independent Board Members in accordance with Corporate Governance Principles Communiqué of Capital Market Board (CMB). Audit Committee works as affiliated to the Board of Directors with the purpose of ensuring audit of activities directed at Operational, Financial, Administrative and Information Systems of the company and monitoring of operation and efficiency of internal control system with a systemic and disciplined approach.
All kind of resource and assistance are provided by the Board of Directors for the committee to fulfill its tasks. The committee may invite managers deemed as necessary and take their views.
- Ms. Lale Ergin (Chairwoman of the Committee &Independent Board Member)
- Mr. Markus Christian Slevogt (Independent Board Member)
All Committee Members consist of Board Members that have status of Independent member in direction of Corporate Governance Principles Communiqué of CMB.
Working Principles of the Committee for Early Determination of Risks
Corporate Governance Committee:
Corporate Governance Committee has been established to assist the Board of Directors by ensuring compliance of the company with corporate Governance principles, determining board members and top manager candidates, determining wage, reward and performance evaluation and career planning principles of the company, monitoring compliance of the company with corporate governance principles, carrying out improvement works on this matter, submitting proposals to the board of directors, carrying out studied about investor relations and public disclosure.
All kind of resource and assistance for Corporate Governance Committee to fulfill its tasks are provided by the Board of Directors. Corporate Governance Committee may invite managers deemed as necessary and take their views.
The Committee benefits from independent views about their activities on matters they need. Corporate Governance Committee also takes care of works of the Investor Relations unit.
- Mr. Timothy James Ford (Chairman of the Committee & Independent Board Member)
- Ms. Lale Ergin (Independent Board Member)
- Mr. Mehmet Timuçin Tecmen (Board Member)
- Mr. Matthew James Bryza (Board Member)
- Mr. Erkan İlhantekin (Chief Financial Officer)
Chairman of the Committee is a Board Member in status of Independent member in direction of Corporate Governance Principles Communiqué of CMB. Again, in direction of Corporate Governance Principles Communiqué of CMB, tasks of Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee are fulfilled by Corporate Governance Committee
Working Principles of the Corporate Governance Committee
Risk Committee:
The purpose of the Committee is early detection of risks directed at Operational, Financial, Administrative and Information Systems that may endanger existence, development and maintenance of the company, taking necessary measures about risks detected and developing necessary policies to execute risk management processes. Risk Committee reviews risk management systems at least once a year.
- Mr. Markus Christian Slevogt (Chairman of the Committee & Independent Board Member)
- Ms. Banu Aksoy (Vice Chairwoman of the Board of Directors)
- Mr. Mehmet Timuçin Tecmen (Board Member)
Chairman of the Committee is a Board Member in status of Independent member in direction of Corporate Governance Principles Communiqué of CMB.
Working Principles of the Committee for Early Determination of Risks
Executive Committee:
The purpose of establishment of the Executive Committee is to make innovation as company culture, to conceive the company and in-group requirements and sudden changes out of the company well, to restructure and make effective the business development process to make change the company policy.
Executive Committee makes/procures continuous investigation; it means strategic analysis of internal and external factors, competitive advantages with periodic intervals according to dynamics of the sector and determines weaknesses and strengths with internal analysis. It determines opportunities and threats with external analysis.
It follows alternative cooperation in the sector, strengthening in-company vertical and horizontal communication infrastructure, behaviors of competitors, economic, political and social changes. It performs revision of work plans and budget of the company according to external shocks, measuring performance and main competencies constituting competitive advantage.
Executive Committee Members:
- Mr. Saffet Batu Aksoy (Chairman of the Committee & Board Member and CEO (General Manager))
- Mr. Erdal Aksoy (Board Chairman)
- Mrs. Banu Aksoy (Vice Chairwoman of the Board of Directors)
- Mr. Erkan İlhantekin (Chief Financial Officer)
- Ms. Eda Yüksel (Chief Legal Officer)
- Ms. Elif Kırankabeş (Human Recources Director)
- Mr. Mert Göknar (Finance Director)